St. 卢克的提供s over 30 Advanced courses which are innovative and challenging college-level classes that go well beyond the curriculum found in the traditional AP classes.

Creating Better Academic Experiences

When a particular Advanced Placement (AP) offering is strong, we offer it. 但是,当我们优秀的教师知道他们可以创造更吸引人、更引人注目的体验时, 提供“高级课程”课程(目前有30多个课程可供选择), please see offerings below in the FAQ section). 

St. 卢克的 先进的课程 gives brilliant teachers the room to be brilliant and inspires ambitious students to swing for the fences academically.

Liz Perry, Assistant 校长 for 学者

St. 卢克写的是国内其他学校都没有的原创课程."

The Unlimited Potential of 先进的课程



List of 13 frequently asked questions.

  • 什么高级课程. 卢克的提供?

    计算机科学 & 工程
    先进的工程 & 设计

    Advanced African American Literature

    Advanced Art Practices: Senior Thesis

    历史 & 社会科学
    Advanced Government: Constitutional Law
    Advanced Government: Legal Studies

    Advanced Classical Scholars Research
    Advanced Literary Scholars Seminar



    高级表演:St. 卢克剧团

  • 为什么?. 卢克创建了高级课程?

    我们开设了高级课程,因为大多数ap课程并没有给我们的学生提供真正的大学水平的体验. 我们知道我们可以做得更好. 也就是说, we acknowledge that the Advanced Placement program has great value in many schools, especially where a standardized curriculum provides an important guide for teachers and where colleges may not be as familiar with a school’s academic program.
    对于像St. 卢克的, with an established reputation and a desire to 制定标准 学生学习 在更高的层次上 比大学理事会的还要多, Advanced Placement courses may actually limit the scope and rigor of the instruction. AP课程建立在美国大学理事会(College Board)制定的经过审核的课程基础上(审核是为了保护大学先修课程的商标)。, 学生表现的标准是一个上午或下午的考试成绩. 在圣. 卢克,我们提供的课程“超越AP”,挑战和激励我们的学生.

    Listen below to Head of 上学校 Liz Perry describe, in a clip from a podcast interview with the student-run Eye of the Storm, 超越ap的原因. 或者听听 整个面试.
  • 我做了什么?. 卢克的 gain by moving beyond the AP?

    This change gives our school the chance to be itself—to focus on fulfilling a mission directed not just at mastery of course material but at supporting our students as they develop into intellectual and moral beings. We believe in our mission and in the power of our faculty to create learning experiences for students that elicit a high degree of intellectual engagement and that involve active, authentic work toward gaining the deepest possible understanding of challenging concepts, 困难的技巧, 和复杂的内容.

    在后勤层面上, 没有AP课程的课程可以重新获得四到六周的宝贵时间来教授新的内容. 例如, in the past, AP Biology students spent time before the St. 卢克的 exam period in March preparing for a practice AP exam, then going over the completed practice exam, and then preparing for the real AP exam which was administered in early May. 在那之后, 老师们观察到,学生们在一年中剩下的几个星期里失去了动力和注意力,这是可以理解的. St. 卢克的 先进的生物 classes take all the time previously spent prepping for a standardized test and use it instead to dive deeply into biological science topics.
  • How has the thinking around APs evolved at St. 卢克的?

    当圣. 卢克的 first introduced AP classes in the 1980s, they represented a chance for us to demonstrate our academic chops. 40多年后,我们的学术项目不再需要外界的批准. St. 卢克的 has a national reputation as an academic powerhouse, 将学生送到一系列精选的学院和大学,每年吸引更多的合格学生,而不是我们可以招收的学生. 同时, our faculty are ready and eager to challenge students in ways the College Board’s n箭头 focus on standardized tests simply can’t accommodate in many subjects.

    Listen below to Head of 上学校 Liz Perry describe, in a clip from a podcast interview with the student-run Eye of the Storm, where the idea for moving beyond APs came from, as well as some background on the multi-year evaluation process, 包括实现时间. 或者听听 整个面试.

  • Have other schools moved beyond APs?

    Many excellent independent schools have examined the Advanced Placement program and made the decision either not to offer APs in the first place or to move away from APs in most or all areas. Here is a sampling of such schools. 

    Fieldston Ethical Culture School (NY)
    St. 马克学院(MA)
    St. 保罗学校(NH)
    University of Chicago Laboratory School (IL)
    我们与其中许多学校的学术领袖进行了交谈和访问,以了解他们的旅程. 全面的, they reported flourishing admissions numbers, steady or improving college lists, and high student and teacher satisfaction. 改变从来都不容易, 但值得注意的是,这些学校都没有改变决定,重新启用ap. 正相反, in our conversations we heard the refrain, “Why did we wait so long to make this change?”
  • 学生在大学录取过程中会因为没有AP课程而受到惩罚吗?

    Our conversations with college deans of admission and the college representatives who visit our campus each year affirm that the absence of AP courses on a student's record has not hurt them in any way--if anything, St. 卢克的 Advanced courses have helped applicants stand out in a competitive pool. 大学是根据学生所修课程的强度和学校课程的严谨性来评估学生的. 换句话说, 学生的成绩单是在该学生所修课程的背景下进行评估的. St. 卢克的 provides colleges with a School Profile that accompanies each application; our School Profile clearly describes the nature of our programs and communicates which are our most demanding courses in each discipline.
    Schools that have already removed the AP designation and created their own advanced courses have had their decisions received enthusiastically by colleges—even the most selective.
  • 大学怎么看待圣. 卢克的高级课程?

    We shared our work on Advanced curriculum with deans of admission at selective colleges and universities and asked them directly if the absence of “AP” on a student's record would hurt St. 卢克的 applicants in the college admissions process. Here is a sample of the many responses we received:  

    “St. 卢克的学校受益于在高选择性的学院和大学中拥有强大的学术声誉. Transitioning away from Advanced Placement is neither detrimental to the school nor to its students provided comparable courses are made available. 一如既往地, 里士满大学期待着收到来自St. 卢克的.” 
    吉尔·J. Villanueva, Associate Vice President and Dean, Office of Admission 

    “在麻省理工学院,我们尊重所有中学提供他们认为最适合学生的课程的权利. The changes that St 卢克的 is proposing will have no impact on the way we will evaluate their students--we will still be aware that St 卢克的提供s a challenging curriculum that prepares their students for post-secondary study at the highest levels." 
    Stuart Schmill, Dean of 招生 and Student Financial 服务s 
    Massachusetts Institute of 技术 (MIT)

    “Notre Dame does not have a preference for either the AP or IB courses--our primary consideration is for the high school to inform us what their top courses are and whether our applicant has taken most of them. 像St这样的高中. 卢克的 that drop the AP and have their own focus on what they consider to be an honors or advanced course will not have any reduction in chances for their top students to gain admission at Notre Dame.” 
    Don Bishop, Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Enrollment
    “在明德, we look at applicants within the context of what their schools offer; we see many students whose high schools have chosen to veer away from AP classes, choosing instead to offer more specific course content geared at the passions of teachers and students and at the particular resources and opportunities available within that school’s culture.  只要……. 卢克的 clearly identifies what it considers to be its advanced classes, 在评估学生在成绩单上选择课程的严谨性时,我们会考虑这些指定. Not offering APs does NOT put students at a disadvantage in the admissions process. 我以前也当过老师, 我赞赏任何允许和鼓励教师和学校提高创新水平和专业化水平的举措.”
    塞缪尔·N. 我是招生办主任普罗蒂
  • How have Advanced courses affected courses offered in 9th and 10th grades?

    高级课程的引入是整个高中创新教学的更大重点的一部分. Students in the first two years of high school at St. 卢克的 already benefit from an environment where their teachers are encouraged to create the very best curriculum without being bound by the College Board.

    也就是说, 9th and 10th grade Honors level courses often served as a kind of “pre-AP,的评估方法和课程重点领域,旨在帮助学生在未来几年的AP考试中取得成功. 例如, students in Honors British Literature, 一门10年级的课程, used to do a fair amount of timed writing on poems they had not studied yet; that was a practice based on the old 11th-grade AP Literature exam. Now that teachers no longer see 9th- and 10th-grade honors courses as “pre-AP,“他们, 太, have the freedom to design innovative curriculum that best inspires their students and prepares them for truly advanced work in the discipline.
  • What impact do Advanced courses have on the school calendar?

    高级课程的教师可以节省4-6周的教学时间,因为他们不再需要为学生准备5月份的AP考试. 由于我们管理较少的AP考试,这也使得整个5月份的高中日历更加一致. Students taking an AP exam are still excused from their classes for the entire day, 但因缺席AP考试的学生而中断非AP课程的情况明显减少.
  • 学生不能用AP成绩来获得大学学分或大学外的要求吗?

    是的. 一些圣. 卢克的 alumni have benefitted from this opportunity, 如果学生选择参加AP考试,他们可以继续以这种方式使用高分. As has been reported in the news media starting about a decade ago, however, 越来越多的名牌大学拒绝为AP成绩提供大学学分

    Calculus, French, and Spanish are the areas where St. 卢克的校友报告最常用的AP成绩是4或5分,以进入更高水平的大学课程或满足大学要求. This is part of the reason we have elected to keep these AP courses (AP Calculus AB, AP微积分BC, AP法语, and AP Spanish Language) in our curriculum going forward. 也, these particular exams are ones worth teaching toward-- they meet our own high standard of excellent assessments focused more on true learning and application than on memorizing content.
  • 是圣. 卢克的 students still able to take AP Exams if they wish to?

    是的. Our school continues to offer 上学校 students the opportunity to sit for Advanced Placement tests in any subject area of interest to them.
  • If a student wants to take an AP course no longer offered at St. 卢克的,还有别的选择吗?

    是的. 虽然我们坚信,高级课程挑战和参与任何积极进取的学生准备大学水平的工作, 我们承认,学生可能有特殊的原因需要传统的大学先修课程. 例如, 有兴趣在国外上大学的学生可能需要AP成绩才有资格入学. Students in the Class of 2023 and 2024 who are academically eligible and are recommended for Advanced Courses may choose to take up to a total of two AP courses online through One Schoolhouse or the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. The AP courses must be ones we offered as of 2019.  符合条件的学生可以将一门在线AP课程计入每年所需的SLS课程总额, and we will not pass along the fee for this online course to families.
  • What is the difference between Honors and Advanced at St. 卢克的?

    Honors is the designation we use for high school-level courses where an honors section covers a wider scope and moves at a faster pace than a standard section. 高级是指有先决条件的大学水平课程(通常是荣誉课程)。. 例如, students may take Biology at either the standard or honors level, 通常是在九年级. 然而,高等生物学是一门大学水平的课程,通常在11年级或12年级学习.

Hunter Martin, 欧洲高级历史 Teacher

One of the things I love most about teaching at St. 卢克的想法是,我和我的同事们有了量身定制历史教育的空间, not for ‘students’ in the abstract, but for individuals with unique identities, 特定的需求, 他们不断发展的兴趣反映了他们对自我和周围世界的不断发现."


我在SLS的计算机科学项目上花了三年的时间,这让我在技能水平上超过了达特茅斯的同学. It is rare to find a school that offers multiple post-AP classes, 正是由于这些课程,我觉得自己已经为在大学阶段学习计算机科学做好了充分的准备.”
St. 卢克的 School is a secular (non-religious), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的 Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.
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